
3. 推水不敷(太短) 翻譯社 insufficient pull
http://youtu.be/9OuBR7qI9BY (the swimmer swam straight-arm recovery,not bent-arm)

翻譯換氣事實上是建樹在好的划手(stroke mechanics)、身體遷移轉變(body rotation)與腳打水(flutter kick)的根本上的 翻譯社想要做好換氣的動作,應該先把前三者練好。前三者練好 翻譯換氣可以說是瓜熟蒂落 翻譯社

drill for body rotation, flutter kick and breath. http://youtu.be/pn03F7XPdTk
    => 推水要推到底
Flutter kick: http://youtu.be/DgZ5-oatDg8

    => 手臂前伸時應伸向肩膀前面,而非想著要伸到頭前面。
Common mistakes and correction of freestyle
(instructor: Teri McKeever, head coach 翻譯公司 US Women's swimming teamfor 2012 Olympic)
From: Frank
    => 以肩膀帶啓碇體扭轉,若是做欠好,試著以直臂出水,直臂入水的游法游一陣子便能抓到轉肩的要領。
Date: Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 11:54 AM
2. 手太早入水。 early entry

Just like kicking a ball in front of your feet, but in order to perform good flutter kick you have to rotate your leg (medially) a little bit so that you can point your toes slightly inward.
1. http://youtu.be/EFckNYtSKfc

Personally, I think this is CRITICAL technique which helps you relax arm muscle before pull. More than 90% of elite swimmers adopt this technique, such like Michael Phelps
翻譯公司 Ian Thrope, Sun Yang, Alexander Popov, Matt Biondi 翻譯公司 ...etc.

freestyle tutorial (overall):
I think that's plenty about swimming freestyle. As to how to prepare for triathlon swimming 翻譯公司 I will give you one last lesson by email later regarding open water swimming.
Jack 翻譯公司

    => 最好入水點是在頭和手臂完全伸直之間。
Subject: swimming
5. 手臂前伸太長而致拍水。 over-extension

「換氣」就是要和四肢舉動與身體 翻譯動作合營,可是有幾電要迥殊注重:
一、不要抬頭,如果看到天空或是天花板(室內池的屋頂)就太多了,最標準 翻譯是只有一邊的蛙鏡出水(另外一邊仍在水中)。
2、頭不要轉太甚,若游泳進步的方向為 12 點(時鐘))標的目的,那麼換氣時大約是往 4、5 (或 7、8)偏向看。
Alexander Popov, photo taken from BBC website at 

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