拉丁語翻譯一年多前在這版第一次發文 版大的強烈熱鬧回應實在讓小弟被寵若驚 因故裝死了一年多而今天送上一篇翻譯文 XD 華碩翻譯公司是煞到在flight 666的版本 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBbHaC632jg part 1

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YG_CXEdTIQE part 2
Adrian Smith的這段live solo好棒,第一次聽就愛上了!! 不過在youtube的網友有指出在4:22秒時Adrian的衣服上突然泛起星星隨後又消逝 仿佛是不小心剪到別場的演出 XD 歷史上真的有The Rime of the Ancient Mariner這一首詩 中文譯作"老海員之歌"或"古船夫詠" 是18世紀英國詩人Samuel Taylor Coleridge所寫的鉅作 而Harris叔叔寫的歌詞並沒有與原作相去太遠 詩中寄意深遠,饒富有基督教的宗教觀點 也有外文系的伴侶跟我說過很深奧,我翻到一半就有點悔怨了 XD 還參考了一些資料力圖不要翻譯毛病
http://my.opera.com/foxfox1412/blog/show.dml/531455 最後引述在musicradar網站看到的一句話 http://ppt.cc/GRHM "A 13 minute epic based on a Samuel Taylor Coleridge poem? Oh yes!" Rime of the Ancient Mariner 老海員之歌 Iron Maiden (jimmycs 譯) Hear the rime of the ancient mariner 聽著老水手的詩歌 See his eye as he stops one of three 當他攔下三人中的一人時那人看著他的眼睛 Mesmerises one of the wedding guests 迷住此中一名婚禮來賓 Stay here and listen to the nightmares of the sea. 停住並聽著這海上的夢饜 And the music plays on翻譯社 as the bride passes by 然後音樂響起,新娘經由 Caught by his spell and the mariner tells his tale. 被他的咒語所吸引,老海員講起他的故事 Driven south to the land of the snow and ice 開船往南到一個充滿冰雪的處所 To a place where nobody's been 到一個沒人到過的國家 Through the snow fog flies on the albatross 有隻信天翁穿過雪霧飛翔著 Hailed in God's name, hoping good luck it brings. 它被以天主的名叫喊著,希望它能帶來好運 And the ship sails on翻譯社 back to the North 然後船繼續航行,回到北方 Through the fog and ice and the albatross follows on. 穿過霧穿過冰,信天翁也跟從著 The mariner kills the bird of good omen 老海員殺了這隻有好兆頭的鳥 His shipmates cry against what he's done 他的伙伴對他所做的大聲吼叫 But when the fog clears, they justify him 然則當霧散開時,他們開釋諒解了她 And make themselves a part of the crime. 使得他們也釀成了犯法的一部分 Sailing on and on and north across the sea 往北不休地航行經由過程海洋 Sailing on and on and north 'til all is calm. 往北不斷地航行直到海不揚波 The albatross begins with its vengeance 信天翁最先了它的復仇 A terrible curse a thirst has begun 一個可駭的口渴謾罵已經開始 His shipmates blame bad luck on the mariner 他的伙伴指責他身上的壞運 About his neck, the dead bird is hung. 死掉的信天翁懸掛在老海員的脖子上 And the curse goes on and on at sea 然後謾罵在海上絡續地持續著 And the thirst goes on and on for them and me. 口渴也在他們跟我身上絡續地延續著 "Day after day翻譯社 day after day, 日復一日,日復一日 we stuck nor breath nor motion 華碩翻譯公司們卡住了,沒有任何輕風和動靜 as idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean 就像一個畫中的船停在畫中的海洋上閒置著 Water, water everywhere and 水,各處都是水 all the boards did shrink 所有的木板都最先縮小 Water, water everywhere nor any drop to drink." 處處都是水卻一滴也不克不及喝 There calls the mariner 老水手大聲呼喚 There comes a ship over the line 有艘船從地平線上行駛過來 But how can she sail with no wind in her sails and no tide. 然則既沒有風也沒有海潮,她怎麼可以或許航行? See...onward she comes 看...她向前過來了 Onward she nears out of the sun 她從太陽那往前靠近過來 See, she has no crew 看,她沒有任何船員 She has no life, wait but there's two. 她沒有生命,但那卻有兩個 (翻譯不肯定) Death and she Life in Death, 死亡和她這位死中之生命 They throw their dice for the crew 它們對著船員們擲下了骰子 She wins the mariner and he belongs to her now. 她博得了老海員而目前他屬於她了 Then...crew one by one 然後船員一個接著一個 they drop down dead翻譯社 two hundred men 倒下去死了,共兩百人 She...she, Life in Death. 她,她就是死中之生命 She lets him live, her chosen one. 她讓她所選到老海員活了下去 "One after one by the star dogged moon翻譯社 星星纏著月亮,船員一個接著一個(倒了下去) too quick for groan or sigh 太快而來不及呻吟或嘆息 each turned his face with a ghastly pang 每個人臉上帶著極大的疾苦 and cursed me with his eye 並轉過來用眼神詛咒我 four times fifty living men 兩百個活人 (and I heard nor sigh nor groan) 而我聽不見任何的呻吟嘆息 with heavy thump, a lifeless lump, 滅亡的粗笨軀體重重地倒下 they dropped down one by one." 他們一個接著一個地倒了下去 The curse it lives on in their eyes 詛咒的恨意還在他們眼裡 The mariner he wished he'd die Along with the sea creatures 老海員進展他能夠隨著海中生物一路死去 But they lived on翻譯社 so did he. 但是他們繼續在世,所以他也是 And by the light of the moon 在月光之下 He prays for their beauty not doom 他為著他們的秀麗而不是厄運禱告著 With heart he blesses them God's creatures all of them too. 他誠懇地為天主的所有生命祈福著 Then the spell starts to break 然後咒語開始消除 The albatross falls from his neck 信天翁從他脖子上掉了下來 Sinks down like lead into the sea 像個鉛塊沈入了海裡 Then down in falls comes the rain. 然後大雨猶如瀑布般地降了下來!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(共同Bruce叔叔的大叫!!!) Hear the groans of the long dead seamen 聽著早已死掉的海員的呻吟 See them stir and they start to rise 看著他們攪動並開始上升 Bodies lifted by good spirits 仁慈的魂魄舉起身體 None of them speak and they're lifeless in their eyes 他們都沒有講話而且眼裡已無生命跡象 And revenge is still sought翻譯社 penance starts again 報仇延續被追求著,贖罪的苦行再度開始 Cast into a trance and the nightmare carries on. 丟進一個昏厥狀況,然後噩夢延續著 Now the curse is finally lifted 目下當今謾罵終於解除 And the mariner sights his home 而老海員看到了他回家的路 spirits go from the long dead bodies 魂靈從早已死掉的身軀出來 Form their own light and the mariner's left alone. 構成他們自己的光,而留下老海員獨自一人 And then a boat came sailing towards him 然後一艘船往老海員這開了過來 It was a joy he could not believe 他高興到沒法置信 The pilot's boat, his son and the hermit, 一個海員的船,還有他的兒子及一個山人 Penance of life will fall onto him. 贖罪的苦行生活將會落在他身上 And the ship it sinks like lead into the sea 然後船像個鉛塊一樣沈入了海裡 And the hermit shrives the mariner of his sins. 而山人赦宥了老水手身上的罪行 The mariner's bound to tell of his story 老海員必然會講他的故事 To tell this tale wherever he goes 不管他到哪個處所他都邑講這故事 To teach God's word by his own example 用他本身的例子來教誨天主的話語 That we must love all things that God made. 就是我們必需要愛所有天主締造的器材 And the wedding guest's a sad and wiser man 然後婚禮賓客成為一個悲傷並更有聰明的人 And the tale goes on and on and on. 而故事赓續地赓續地不竭地延續著....

引用自: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/IronMaiden/M.1283328335.A.50D.html有關各國語文翻譯公證的問題歡迎諮詢華碩翻譯公司02-23690932


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