
Hsieh is also the chairman of The China Post, a co-sponsor of the event.

Organized in part by Hualien Media International Co. (華聯國際) and Shanghai Taiwanese Service Center (上海市海峽兩岸交換增進會), the contest will select 60 top short films inspired by the theme "love and cities" (愛與城市).

The 2017 Cross-Strait Youth Short Film Competition (We愛•兩岸青年短片大賽) began Tuesday翻譯社 seeking to bring together talent from both sides of the strait in 10-minute short films.

Eligible participants must be 18 to 36 years old and submit a 10-minute short made between 2015 and 2017.

Former Legislator Sun Ta-chien (孫大千) said that 30 of the films chosen would come from Taiwan and 30 from mainland China.

Filmmakers are encouraged to experiment with different genres and to not limit themselves by interpreting "love" as a clichéd romance.

Taiwanese film producer Chen Hung-yuan (陳鴻元) said the length of the films was capped at 10 minutes to encourage filmmakers to "translate montage shots into film and to narrate personal stories about love and city."

The works of the 60 nominated filmmakers will be featured on social media platforms and potentially screened at schools in both regions.

At the contest's opening ceremony yesterday翻譯社 Hualien Chairman George Hsieh (謝國樑) said that films like "Our Times (華碩翻譯社的少女時期)" had done very well in the mainland Chinese market, which demonstrated great interest in the filmmaking culture of Taiwan.

Submissions that incorporate talent from Taiwan and mainland China stand the best chance of reaching the top 60.

All nominated filmmakers will be invited to attend Film Masters' Camp (電影大師交換營) in Shanghai between June. 23 to 30, with airfare and accommodation paid for.

以下內文出自: http://www.setn.com/News.aspx?NewsID=227182有關翻譯的問題歡迎諮詢華碩翻譯社
