可是蝴蝶在網子裡驚駭掙扎,涓滴没有秀麗可言。一有機會,胡蝶就會飛走。Once upon a time翻譯社a guy bought himself a pair of running shoes, a net and put on exercise clothes, chasing a long time after butterflies.  Finally, in gasping and sweating, he did catch some

Butterflies will come when flowers in efflorescence Flair will never be undiscovered if the owner of it is the one of real talents.   
All of the wishes in our lives should be realized by "attracting" instead of by "pursuing".

Whereas the motivation of "attracting" stems from self-improvement and self-sacrifice翻譯社 which is naturally fitting the things arranged and is perfectly catering to the intrests of the "attracted".  So everybody is happy. 
But the captivated butterflies,struggling in panic, had totally lost their beauties. Once they've got opportunities, they would fly away immediately.  That is what "pursuing" does mean.    
這就叫 “ 尋求 "。Butterflies will come when flowers in efflorescence Flair will never be undiscovered if the owner of it is the one of real talents.
So please strive for improving yourself and create from within the natural attraction of your own.