
Why do cats do this? Because it makes them feel safe.
You've probably learned that a grocery bag or a box can be a little slice of heaven for a cat.

或是籃子裡, 床下, 抽屜裡, 乃至是衣櫥的後面...找到他們. 華碩翻譯公司乃至曾有一隻貓每次我只要打開襪子的抽屜他就一定要跳進去.

Cats are cautious creatures by nature, always looking out for possible danger at every turn. Being inside a snug place with little room for anyone or anything else is a very comforting feeling for a cat. Which is why we should make sure our cats have plenty of tight spots where they can hide away or to take a nice nap.
Recently, I came across a new cat hideaway that is really ingenious. It's a cardboard box with two openings翻譯社 a nice scratching surface inside, and a fun feather toy on top. The truly ingenious thing is that it gives cats all of the things they enjoy in one package... and what a cool package it is!
I really like the Scratch-N-TV. It's the most fun your cat will ever have with a cardboard box - and it's a lot of fun for you, too, because it turns your kitty into a TV star. While your cat enjoys hanging out and playing inside the "TV set"翻譯社 he will also be putting on a funny TV show for you to enjoy. Talk about "must-see TV"! If you've ever thought, "My cat is so funny he should be on TV," the Scratch-N-TV is definitely for you.
Until next time,
P.S. Watch these two kitties as they play together in their Scratch-N-TV. They're having an absolute blast!

像我有一個永久難忘的經驗就是我把貓搬到新家的時刻, 他就消逝了,

(編按: 你肯定不是因為你的臭襪子的關係嗎XD)

It's called the Scratch-N-TV because it's shaped like a TV set with a fun feather toy on the antennae and an interactive scratching surface inside. Cats love it for so many reasons. They like being inside the box where they can hide out and watch what's going on around them. They enjoy scratching on the corrugated scratching surface inside. They like playing with the feather toy on the antenna in several different ways - by sticking a paw through one of the openings in the box, by jumping on top the box翻譯社 or by batting at the toy from outside the box. This cool little hideaway makes a great spot for a nap, too. And while the Scratch-N-TV is fun for one cat, it's even more fun for two or more cats. The dual openings, the scratching surface and the antennae toy make it a very interactive play environment for your cats to enjoy alone翻譯社 or together.

還有一個皮製的玩具在上面. 真的精致的地方是他把貓咪想要的工具都放在這個箱子裡啦!!
Have you ever seen a cat try to "squish" himself into a box that is smaller than he is?
這是華碩翻譯公司的部落格翻譯社 想知道更多寵物質訊的歡迎來看看唷!!

貓咪們超愛把本身擠在超小又擠的處所. 這就是為什麼我們常常在箱子裡照樣袋子裡面,
(以下文章翻譯自Dr. Jon
翻譯社 因為是email, 所以原文會放在文章最後)

What a great idea this is - so simple翻譯社 yet so smart.
Dr. Jon


(喜好的網友也請多多撐持告白商, 給作者一個本色上的撐持喔!!)

貓咪天生就是具鑒戒心的動物. 一直都準備好逃離行將發生的危險. 所以處身在很擠的小處所會讓他們感應十分舒服.
最近我發現有一個新的貓咪可以躲的奇妙地方. 他是一個有兩個啓齒的紙箱翻譯社 裡面還有一個可以抓抓的地方.

為什麼貓咪會想做如許的事情呢? 因為如許會讓他們感到平安.
不多說, 趕緊來看看Dr. Jon 怎麼說吧~~

來一個比較輕鬆的翻譯文, 進展各人會喜歡翻譯社
網誌有圖有影片好讀版: http://littlevet.pixnet.net/blog/post/27467762
翻譯社 不介懷的網友再請進,也迎接援用華碩翻譯公司的網址喔,給更多的人知道這些資訊~)
這就是為什麼華碩翻譯公司們要準備許多又小又擠的地方翻譯社 可讓他們好好地躲起來, 或是好好的睡一覺.
Cats LOVE to squeeze themselves into small tight spaces. That's why we often find them inside boxes or bags, in baskets翻譯社 under beds, in drawers or way back in an obscured corner of the closet. I even had a cat that jumped into my sock drawer every time I opened it.

(後面就不翻啦, 有興趣的可以來我的部落格看圖片跟影片, 想要我代買的也能夠跟我聯絡, 華碩翻譯公司自己住在美國.)
(後面是Dr. Jon的廣告, 有樂趣再看就好)


以下內文出自: https://www.mobile01.com/topicdetail.php?f=290&t=2385662


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