會議口譯http://blog.swat.tw/creation/lyrics-translate/post_1028.php 瑞典DJ音樂人 Avicii 在 2014.12.1 翻譯時刻刊行了這兩首EP,兩首都有屬於自己的靠山故 事, 而在聽了這兩首歌今後,除對Avicii有愛好之外,同時被他這幾首歌迷住了 翻譯社 配合點是唱歌的部門都不長,大部份都是Instrument,歌詞簡單,背後的故事卻可以套用 在任何人身上。 是否都有那麼一個死黨,配合許下願望,又是不是有人在你背後撐持著,讓你能逛闖蕩一片 天地? The Days先是用黑色噴漆將歌詞一句句塗在牆上,畫出了Avicii 翻譯樣子,再用各式豔麗的 顏色潑在上面,從簡單的曲直短長,變成彩色的,也許就是因為有了那些年的死黨好友們,才 能揮灑出彩色 翻譯人生。 The Nights則是看著兒子帶著爸爸測驗考試各類活動、各種舉止,就像歌詞唱的,趁年青的時 候,去闖出本身的生涯吧。 The Days Under the tree where the grass don't grow 在樹下那草無法發展的處所 We made a promise to never get old 許諾我們永不老去 You had a chance and you took it on me 你曾有個機遇,但你將他交給我 And I made a promise that I couldn't keep 然後我做了一個我無法告竣的承諾 Heart ache 翻譯公司 heart break 肉痛、心碎 All over town 充滿整座城市 But something flipped like a switch when you came around 當你一走近 翻譯時候,猶如開關被啟動一般 And I'm in pieces, pick me up, and put me together 我釀成滿地碎片,但你將其拾起,重新拼出一個我 These are the days we've been waiting for 這就是我們一向在等待的日子 And days like these who couldn't ask for more 像這樣的日子沒法要求更多 Keep them coming 就讓它們來吧 Cause we're not done yet 因為我們還沒完呢 These are the days we won't regret 那些我們不會悔怨的日子 These are the days we won't forget 那些我們不曾遺忘 翻譯日子 These are the days we've been waiting for 這就是我們一向在期待的日子 Rattle the cage and slam that door 震盪籠子並將門甩上 And the world is calling us but not just yet 這世界正呼喚我們,但我們還沒準備好 These are the days we won't regret 那些我們不會悔怨 翻譯日子 These are the days we won't forget 那些我們不曾遺忘的日子 [Verse 2] Out on the midnight 就在那午夜時 The wild ones howl 野性 翻譯呼號 The last of the lost boys have thrown in the towel 剩下 翻譯男孩早已被拋棄在後 We used to believe we were stars aligned 正如我們曾相信將如星星一樣永亮 You made wish and I fell out of time 你許了個願,但我卻沒了時候 Curfew, cut through 韶光飛逝 All over town 穿透了全城 You make me bleed when I look up 當我瞻仰的時候 And you're not around 當你不在的時候,便會讓我撞的遍體麟傷 But I'm in pieces 翻譯公司 pick me up, and put me together 我卻釀成滿地碎片,但你將其拾起,讓我更生 These are the days we've been waiting for 這就是我們一直在期待 翻譯日子 And days like these who couldn't ask for more 像如許的日子沒法要求更多 Keep them coming 就讓它們來吧 Cause we're not done yet 因為我們還沒完呢 These are the days we won't regret 那些我們不會後悔的日子 These are the days we won't forget 那些我們不曾遺忘的日子 These are the days we've been waiting for 這就是我們一向在等待 翻譯日子 Neither of us knows what's in store 沒人知道裡面藏著甚麼 You just roll your window down and place your bets 你就只是將窗戶搖下,然後賭了一把 These are the days we won't regret 那些我們不會悔怨的日子 These are the days we won't forget 那些我們不曾遺忘 翻譯日子 And these are the days 而這就是那些日子 And these are the days 而這就是那些日子 The Nights Hey, once upon a younger year 嘿,在我曾年青的時候 When all our shadows disappeared 那時我們可沒這麼陰郁 The animals inside came out to play 野性的天性都邑跑出來玩 Hey, when face to face with all our fears 嘿,當我們都與驚駭面對面的時候 Learned our lessons through the tears 從眼淚學到經驗 Made memories we knew would never fade 讓回想永不褪色 One day my father—he told me 翻譯公司 有一天,我老爸跟我講 "Son 翻譯公司 don't let it slip away" 「小子,別讓芳華就這麼走了」 He took me in his arms, I heard him say, 他摟著我,如是說 "When you get older 「當你長大的時候 Your wild life will live for younger days 你那狂野 翻譯心將會活在你的年青歲月中 Think of me if ever you're afraid." 如果你懼怕 翻譯話,就想一想我吧。」 He said 翻譯公司 "One day you'll leave this world behind 他說:「有天你會將這世界拋諸腦後 So live a life you will remember." 所以用你可以或許記得的方式過下去吧。」 My father told me when I was just a child 我老爸在我照舊小孩 翻譯時辰就這麼說 These are the nights that never die 這就是那些夜晚永不竣事的原因 My father told me 我老爸他這麼說 When thunder clouds start pouring down 當空中雷雲轟聲鴻文時 Light a fire they can't put out 點燃那永恆之火 Carve your name into those shinning stars 將你的名字印在那些閃灼的星星上吧 He said, "Go venture far beyond the shores. 他說:「闖出那些限制吧 Don't forsake this life of yours. 不要隨意馬虎放棄,因為這是你 翻譯人生 翻譯社 I'll guide you home no matter where you are." 不管你闖到何處,我都邑指引你回家。」 One day my father—he told me, 有一天,我老爸他這麼說: "Son, don't let it slip away" 「小子,別讓芳華就這麼走了」 When I was just a kid I heard him say, 當我還小的時候,他就如許說: "When you get older 「當你長大的時刻 Your wild life will live for younger days 你那狂野的心將會活在你的年青歲月中 Think of me if ever you're afraid." 若是你害怕 翻譯話,就想一想我吧。」 He said, "One day you'll leave this world behind 他說:「有天你會將這世界拋諸腦後 So live a life you will remember." 所以用你可以或許記得的體例過下去吧 翻譯社」 My father told me when I was just a child 我老爸在我照舊小孩 翻譯時候就這麼說 These are the nights that never die 這就是那些夜晚永不竣事的緣由 My father told me 我老爸他這麼說 These are the nights that never die 這就是那些夜晚永不竣事的緣由 My father told me 我老爸他這麼說 -- _ _ψcito ╱_╲ =╦= _ / \ / \/ -┼- ⊙⊙||. 。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯 _ /\\_/\ \_/ ╚=╩=╝ ¯ ▽ ̄▽

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